Friday, July 29, 2011

This Is the Day

"This is the day that the Lord has made" for me to enjoy. So today I'm only going to do things that I enjoy, not "have to" things.  First, on my schedule (after coffee and raisin bran with strawberries and walnuts thrown in) is to bake another of Our Favorite Summer Casserole -Zucchini Quiche. The fresh tomatoes on the counter will be delicious with the casserole.

I am not a "pretty pie" baker. As my husband says, "If it looks good, it probably isn't." My pies usually won't win a beauty contest but they are very tasty.  But the peach pie that I baked the other day did not fall in-line with that precept.  It looked pretty good (for one of my pies) and it was absolutely delicious.  In fact, my husband and I finished that pie off in two days. I felt like the cat must have felt who just licked the cream off the bucket of milk.

 When I was learning to bake pies, I didn't like the mess of rolling the crust out. So I began using a recipe that allows you to mix the crust in the pie plate. But that is a little confining (cause the flour always wants to jump out of the pan) so I mix mine in a bowl and then put the dough over into the pan and press the dough into place. Then for the top crust, dough mix is just sprinkled across the top. It may not make the prettiest edges and tops, but it works and best of all, it is really good and there is no mess on the counter. In case you are interested, here is the recipe.
No Roll Pie Crust
                                                    MIX in bowl:
    1 1/2 cup flour
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. sugar
1/2 cup oil
2 TSSP. milk
                                                   PRESS  into 9" plate
For top crust, make extra and sprinkle or pat on to the top of the filling.
Bake as normal pie crust calls for.                               
Well, I think I green things are calling my name.  Until later.

1 comment:

~~ said...

Hmmm--that pie crust sounds very very interesting!!! I also think that it looks delish!!! I am gonna have to give this a try...I will let u know how it turns out!! Thanks for this on KLT!!!