Sunday, November 13, 2011

Honoring Our Veterans

Today was that time in our calendar when we as a congregation are intentional about expressing our gratitude for their service to our country.Our small church is so blessed to have 12 living military veterans among our worshippers.  I am so appreciative of what they have done and what the current serviceman are doing to safeguard my freedoms. Leaving home and family and even country to defend the belief in personal freedom for all is a big sacrifice.  As a young person, I didn't understand how blessed the United States is that its citizens (and non-citizens) have the rights to live as they choose and how much sacrifice went in to preserving those freedoms.  Whenever I see a young or old person in uniform, I become tearful and have to thank them for what they have or are doing for me. 

My Navy Seabee Father, 1942

I am so proud of my father who served in the Navy Seabees during World War II. He never talked much about his experiences and most of what I learned came from Mom. Seeing the WW II monument in Washington D.C. was a very emotional experience for me as I read the names of places where Daddy had been and talked about.

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