Friday, August 26, 2011

Grit Newspaper and a Good & Easy Summer Favorite

Click here to enlarge image and see more about item M7353: GRIT  newspaper - August 1 1971

Years ago, and I do mean years, my family would buy the Grit newspaper when someone (don't remember who) would come to our door selling it.  Back then, everyone read The Grit. It was put together, size-wise, like the Enquirer at the grocery check-out, but it was so much better. It had farm news, recipes, sewing patterns, puzzles, comics and a bunch more of miscelleous stuff that I don't remember. If it had entertainment land gossip, it went over my head. I hadn't thought about the Grit in years until yesterday.  All of a sudden I realized that I had not made my daughters' favorite summer recipe....STRINGY NOODLES
     It was our first summer of being married. Although we lived in town, I was still reading the Grit.  (There's probably a saying that would relate to ... "you can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl".  Anyway I found the recipe in the Grit and I could see "good" and "easy" written all over it.  And that it is! I have to admit Stringy Noodles is one of my favorites too, because it is sooo easy (if you have all the ingredients on hand. I had to run to the store to get them yesterday. How could I not have such basic ingredients!).   Anyway with a plate of tomatoes and stringy noodles, we know summer is here.
Stringy Noodles:
Cook according to pkg directions enough noodles for your meal
Drain noodles and mix/stir in 1 can of Cream of Mushroom soup
     a pkg. of shredded mozerella cheese, and meat of choice, diced or chunked.
    (I usually use the pkg. beef or some left-pver ham),
Stir all of the above together and heat through OR put into a baking dish (can
    add bread crumbs dotted with butter to top) and bake till bubbly. 
Serve with sliced tomatoes.
          BTW, since the Grit came to mind, I had to Google and see if it still existed and surprise! it does.  I need to check and see how much a subscription is; I need another "good and easy" recipe and the Grit just might have it.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Thought to Ponder

I saw this graphic on the blog and it really grabbed me and made me think.  I know as kids we are always comparing ourselves, our families, our clothes, our schoolwork, and even our coloring as first graders.  Even as adults, we are playing the comparison game.  Some comparison is good for it often makes us 'step-up', but how many times does it make us feel as if we (our lives, our creations) are not good enough. I know there have been crafty projects and quilts that I have done where I felt mine had to look exactly like the pattern. I agonized over every little difference only to find out that the pattern I was following was created with a mistake in it and here I was trying to make mine "perfect" just like the pattern. Different is okay and sometimes better.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I am back in the real world of Kentucky this morning. I just spent a relaxing week at the beach with the girls in my life, daughters Leeann and Lindsay, and granddaughter Raigan. We didn't do anything exciting, but ate very well, shopped a little, and enjoyed the beach and each other. When I"m at the beach, I become overwhelmed with God's greatness and am reminded that He is in control for no human could have created and maintained the beauty and the workings of this world.

Ormond by the Sea is between Daytona Beach and Flagler Beach. It sits on a strip of land that runs between the Halifax River and the ocean.  In the mornings on my way to buy a newspaper at the Kangaroo Quick Stop, I walk along side of the Halifax enjoying the shade and the quiet moving waters. Then I do beach walking the rest of the day. The beach where I walk is not very crowde in the times that we have been there.  In fact, if you wanted to 'people watch', you would be disappointed.

Must get back to the 'real world', but I will catch up later with some pictures.

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Friday Evening in August

We had a song fest at our church Friday evening. It was a great evening of music, friends, and food. As I sat in the church yard listening, I glanced up at the sky. Seeing the steeple with the sky and clouds behind, I could sense God's power. I guess this is an opportunity to say a little more about myself. My husband and I attend the Methodist Church in our little town.  The church family is a lot like our church family in Gallia County Ohio; I guess that is why we chose this church. I do whatever the Lord calls me to do. Sometimes I wish it was less for He keeps me very busy. I have the elementary age Sunday School class, play the Clavinova for Worship, help with the children's youth group and with the church tutoring program. I have always felt if he has given me the skills and talent to do His work, then I should cooperate and do the best I can.

We are native Buckeyes and moved to Kentucky six years ago since our two daughters are in this area.  We are still Buckeyes and have commented that the only things we do in KY is sleep and go to church. Everything else we head across the bridge which is about 5 miles from our house over into Ohio.

That is it for today. There are boo-koo tomatoes on the kitchen counter waiting to be frozen and I can hear them calling my name.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Something New I Tried

I love to read, but as I have gotten older I find it is difficult to sit down and spend the afternoon reading. Years ago (before children and grandchildren arrived and life became so hectic) I could spend the day reading a novel. Now my "day" of reading may be an hour sitting and sipping coffee and reading through/looking at a new magazine.  Southern Living is one of my favorite magazines to browse and enjoy the pictures. Not often do I ever bake or cook what is on their pages.  But this week a friend (Virginia) had a lovely salad luncheon and she began the meal with a recipe from Southern Living... Chilled Blueberry Soup.  Not only was it tasty, but it was served so attractively.  To me it could have been a Chilled Blueberry Dessert  instead of soup.  The white in the center is a dollop of vanilla yogurt.